The show has just been extended until May 6th and it's recommended to book tickets in advance. You can read more about it here or watch a short video snippet that's sure to tickle your interest...
I really enjoyed Jim Campbells clever use of tiny LED bulbs to create various shadow imagery and Doug Wheelers dreamy approach to definitions of space. The exhibition features both small, clever concepts, such as the light bulb and mirror by Bill Culbert, as well as larger, colour infused illusionary environments as made by James Turrell.
Francois Morellet creates very poetic pieces. His work is featured in one of the first halls, but perhaps he should have had his own space to showcase this beautiful piece:
One criticism I might add is that due to its popularity, there are too many people in the exhibition space at one time. This definitely detracts from experiencing the various spaces as one should. Perhaps having extended the exhibition end-date will fix this!